Create Abstract Background In Photoshop

 Create New Image 1024x768 or How you want? With RGB Color, 72 resolution and transparent.
 Press ‘D’ for default color.
 Fiter>Renter>Clouds
 Filter>Pixelate>Mezzotint
 Mezzotint type :short stroke
 Filter>Blur>Radial blur>zoom>Amount 80
 Filter>distort>Twirl.
 ‘Ctrl+J’ for duplicate the layer.
 ‘Ctrl+T’ Right click on mouse >Flip Horizontal.
 Blending> Lighten
 Every layer>Press Ctrl+U
 Check on colorize.
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Create A Electricity Text In Photoshop

 Create a new image 400x400 and 72 resolution with a transparent background.
 Edit>Fill and choose black
 Write Your text in white.
 Select>resterize>resterize text.
 Marge layer press ‘ctrl+shift+E’
 Image>rotate canvas>900 CW
 Filter>stylize>wind, make the direction “from the right”
 Press ‘Ctrl+F’
 Filter>stylize>wind, make the direction “from the left”
 Press ‘ctrl+F’
 Edit>Transform >900 CCW.
 Filter>stylize>wind ,make the direction “from the right”
 Again, Filter>stylize>wind ,make the direction “from the left”
 Filter>distort>Ripple
 Image>Adjustment>Hue/saturation then check Colorize.
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Creating Pencil sketch of a photo in Photoshop

1) Open an image.
2) Create a copy of the background layer (Layer->Duplicate layer)
3) invert it (Image->Adjust->Invert).
4)Convert the image to Grayscale (Image->Mode->Grayscale) and choose not to flatten the image.
5) Double click the layer to open bending mode options palette. Set layer mode to "Color Dodge". This will at first make the layer look almost completely white.
6) Now, to bring out some pencil strokes apply the Gaussian blur-filter (Filter->Blur->Gaussian Blur) and set "Radius" to somewhere between 1.5 and 5.0 pixels.( If you set "Radius" to a higher value the image will look rather more like a pastel painting than a sketch.)
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