Microsoft-Access 2003 (Basic+Creating Table)

What is MS-Access ?
MS-Access is a database application program under the windows operating system. It is a member of MS-Office Package developed by Microsoft Corp. USA. It is a RDBMS(Relational Database Management System).
A database is collection of related information about a system or an object. A database system, which is used to manage and manipulate the information that is in the database system is known as DBMS(Database Management System). The main object of the database table, which is used to collect and store the data.
In all types of RDBMS or DBMS system tables are the primary object and store the information. A table stores the data in tabular format with rows and columns.
Parts of a table
1.                  Fields(Columns): The name of the column, which holds the data, A table can have one or more than one fields.
2.                  Record(Row): Collection of a data horizontally, which has been organized in a tabular format is known as a record. A record always has related data. In a table there can be more than one row.
3.                  Data : The actual data this is being stored in the table
Starting MS-Access
1.          click on Start button
2.          Click on Run
3.          Type the Msaccess from the run dialog box.
4.          Click on Ok button
5.          If you want make new database file then select blank database and type the database file name
6.          Click on Create
7.          If you have already made the database file then select that existing database from open a file list.
8.          Then you will see the database window.
Creating a new table
You can create a new table in different way.
1.        Creating a table by using datasheet view.
i.                Click on Table object at database window
ii.                   Click on New …    or Click on Insert --> Table ...
iii.                  Select datasheet view from the dialog box
iv.                 Click on Ok button
Then a data sheet design view will appear.
v.             Rename the field into required field name by click double click or right button click and rename command.
vi.           Save the table and enter the records.
Renaming Field
1. Right button click at required field heading
2.        Click on Rename
or,  Click on Format menu --> Click on Rename Column
3.        Type new name and press Enter key
Inserting Columns
1.        Click on Insert menu
2.        Click on  Column

Creating a new table by using design view
1.        Click on Table object at data base window
2.        Click on New
3.        Select design view from the dialog box
4.        Click on Ok button.
Then a design view window will appear.
5.        Type the required field name and select required data type.
6.        If necessary type the description also
7.        You can also set the field properties for the field.
8.        At last save the table and enter the records.
Data Type
Data type refers what types of data can be store in a particular variables or fields. There 10 different types of data types in MS-Access.
1.        Text: -  Any  written text up to 255 characters in length, number that you won't be using in arithmetic calculations, and certain numbers such as zip codes, phone numbers, or product codes that contain letters, hyphens, or other nonnumeric characters.
2.        Number : - True number which can calculates the values. It contains the up to 19 digits values. You can use the Field Size, Format, and Decimal Places field properties on the General tab to control the size and appearances of numbers.
3.        Currency : - Number data type which contains the dollar amounts.
4.        AutoNumber : - A number that's assigned automatically and never changes again. Use the new values property on the General Tab to control whether numbers are assigned incrementally or randomly.
5.      Date / Time  :- It contains the date and time value. You can use the Format property on the General tab to control the appearance of the date.
6.        Hyperlink : - Hyperlink addresses. It insert the hyper link of the cell text.
7.        Lookup : - Values that come from another table, a query, or a list of values you supply. It can be used to make the drop down list box.
8.        Memo : - It is a character data type. It contains the large bodies of text up to 64,000 characters in length.
9.        OLE Object : - Any OLE object, such as a picture, sound, or word processing document or other application programs.
10.    Yes / No :- A true or false value only. It contains the tick mark for true or false.
Field Properties
You can use the field properties to input the data
Field Size : - Lets you specify the maximum length of text allowed into the field or the acceptable range of numbers. The default size for text is 50 and for numbers is long integer.
Format : - Lets you define the appearance of data in the field. For example, You can show a date as 2/14/1999 or as February 14, 1999
Input Mask : - Lets you define a pattern for entering data into the field. For help with creating the mask for a text or date/time field, click the Build button after selecting this property. The Input Mask Wizard will guide  you through each step.
Caption : - Lets you define an alternative name for the field that will be used in datasheet view and as labels when you create forms and reports.
Decimal Places : - Lets you specify the number of digits to the right of the decimal separator in a numeric field. Choose "Auto" to have the Format property determine the number of decimal places  automatically.
Default Value : Lets you define a value that's automatically inserted into field; you can type a different value during data entry, if necessary.
Validation Rule : - Lets you create an expression that tests data as it comes into the field and rejects faulty entries.
Validation Text : - Defines the error message that will appear on the screen when faulty data is entered into the field. When writing the validation text, it's best to indicate which field is invalid so the user can more easily understand what's wrong during data entry.
Required : - If set to Yes, the field cannot be left blank.
Indexed : - Lets you choose whether to index this field and whether to allow duplicates in the index.
Allow Zero Length : - If Yes, the field will accept an "empty string" as a valid entry, even if the Required property is set to Yes. The empty string will appear as two quotation marks with nothing in between (" ") when first typed into the field; those quotation marks will disappear when you move the cursor to another field.
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