Difference between LCD, LED, CRT

a) LCD stands for Liquid Crystal
Display which is a thin, flat display
screen made up of any number of
color or monochrome pixels
arrayed in front of a light source
or reflector.
b) It is often used in electronic
Devices because it uses very small amounts of electric power.

a) LED stands for Light
Emitting Diode which is a semiconductor diode that
emits incoherent narrow-
spectrum light when
electrically biased in the
forward direction of the p-n junction. This effect is a
form of electroluminescence.
b) It can be used as a
regular household light source.

a) CRT stands for Cathode
Ray Tube which is a tube
coated with phosphorous in
inner surface. When electrons
produced by e-gun come in
contact with phosphorous
wall, light is produced by
virtue of which we can see.
b) It is generally used
in TV screens, monitors, etc


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