Adobe Photoshop CS

Photoshop is a powerful image editing software. It is resolution dependent and we can export Photoshop file into different format for e.g.: For video, Web, Print etc, we can create 2D, 3D graphics for web, also we can animate some graphics for web using Photoshop & Image Ready.
The default file extension of Photoshop is "PSD". In Photoshop the most important thing is a layer. You can create as many layers as you need. To open layer press F7 or Go to Window > Layer.
When you open Photoshop, you will see different Menus, Option Menu, Tool Box, and Floating Palette.
Go to File Menu > New or Simply press Ctrl + N to open New Photoshop Document.
The Default Photoshop colour Mode is RGB.

Resolution :- Resolution is the output Quality of any image (picture). Higher the resolution increase file size & you will get best quality picture. Lower the resolution decrease file size but you will not get best quality picture.

Pixel :- Pixel are a tiny dots which contains colour value & colour location.

To fill Foreground colour Press Alt + Backspace.
To fill Background colour Press Ctrl + Backspace.
To Deselect Marquee Selection Press Ctrl + D
Unto :- Ctrl + Shift + Z
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Input Device:(Raw Data)mouse,Keyboard,scanner
Input is the raw information. It is the collection of Letters, Numbers and Images etc. given to the computer to produce the result.
Processing Device:(Invisible) CPU
Process is the action taken on data as per given instruction. It is totally inner process of the computer system.
Output is the final data given by computer after data processing, it is also called Result. We can save the result s for our future use.
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How to Start and shutdown of computer

How to start the computer in windows mode?
 Switch ON the Power Supply.
 Switch ON the CPU.
 Switch ON the Screen (Monitor).
 Then, wait a just a minute, after then you will directly enter into the windows environment (Desktop).
How to Shutdown (Off) the Computer?
Before shutdown the Computer, you have to close all opened windows. Then,
 Click on Start Button.
 Click on Shutdown/Turn off computer.
Then Computer asks you:
What do you want the computer to do?
 Choose 2nd option (Turn off).
 Click on Yes.
Then, Wait until the message “It’s now safe to turn off your Computer” will appear. But this message is not appeared if you use ATX casing.
 Then, Switch OFF the Screen.
 Switch OFF the CPU.
 At last, Switch OFF the Power Supply.
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Introduction of Special Keys:

~ = Tiled Key
! = Exclamation Mark
@ = At the rate
# = Hash
$ = Dollar
% = Percentage
^ = Carat
& = And
* = Asterisk or Star Mark
( ) = Parentheses
- = Dash
| = Vertical Mark or Pipeline
{ } = Middle bracket
[ ] = Big Bracket
“ ” = Double quote Mark (smart)
‘ ’ = Single quote Mark (smart)
: = Colon
; = Semicolon
_ = Underscore
< > = Less than & greater than
? = Question Mark
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Hardware and Software:

Whenever we talk about computer, we visualize the physical parts of computer and non-physical parts like programs. A complete system can be studied under two headings:

1.Hardware: - The physical components of a computer system, which can be seen & touched, such as computer itself, its modules & the input & output devices & auxiliary devices are called hardware. It is just a mechanism of the computer. All the devices attached to the computer system like: Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor, CPU and Motherboard & Hard Disk.
2.Software: - Software is nothing but the computer program. Software is the set of Programs, which is used for different purpose. Software is basically the set of instruction grouped into program from that make the electronic device in the computer to function in desired ways.
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Fullform of Computer

C = Commonly
O = Operating
M = Machinery
P = Particularly
U = Used For
T = Technology
E = Education
R = Research
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What is Computer??

Computer is an electronic Device which can operate system file in systematically.          
Computer is an advance/modern electronic device(machine), which takes raw data as input from the user then processes these data as per given instruction then gives output(Result) & stores it for future use.
            It is a data processing machine, which can process any kind of numerical & non-numerical (Arithmetic & Logic) operation under the control of sequential instructions called program. It is totally user dependent device. It has no its own brain, so it cannot think its own.
            Now a days computer can be used every where in the world. Such as banking field, education field, business field, scientific field much more computer become one of the most important needs of human rights.
            It is used to calculating data, watching movie, listening music, sending email & get email one part of world to another part of world in one second as so on.
            The features of computer are storage capacity, speed & accuracy, flexible, comparison & calculation, reliability, economically, multi-user nature, communication media etc.
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