What is Computer??

Computer is an electronic Device which can operate system file in systematically.          
Computer is an advance/modern electronic device(machine), which takes raw data as input from the user then processes these data as per given instruction then gives output(Result) & stores it for future use.
            It is a data processing machine, which can process any kind of numerical & non-numerical (Arithmetic & Logic) operation under the control of sequential instructions called program. It is totally user dependent device. It has no its own brain, so it cannot think its own.
            Now a days computer can be used every where in the world. Such as banking field, education field, business field, scientific field much more computer become one of the most important needs of human rights.
            It is used to calculating data, watching movie, listening music, sending email & get email one part of world to another part of world in one second as so on.
            The features of computer are storage capacity, speed & accuracy, flexible, comparison & calculation, reliability, economically, multi-user nature, communication media etc.


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