How to Start and shutdown of computer

How to start the computer in windows mode?
 Switch ON the Power Supply.
 Switch ON the CPU.
 Switch ON the Screen (Monitor).
 Then, wait a just a minute, after then you will directly enter into the windows environment (Desktop).
How to Shutdown (Off) the Computer?
Before shutdown the Computer, you have to close all opened windows. Then,
 Click on Start Button.
 Click on Shutdown/Turn off computer.
Then Computer asks you:
What do you want the computer to do?
 Choose 2nd option (Turn off).
 Click on Yes.
Then, Wait until the message “It’s now safe to turn off your Computer” will appear. But this message is not appeared if you use ATX casing.
 Then, Switch OFF the Screen.
 Switch OFF the CPU.
 At last, Switch OFF the Power Supply.


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